I'm heading up to DC today to reunite with my two best friends from college! (And to stalk Wale, obvz)
Abby and Allie both live in DC (which means I always have major #FOMO) and it's been too long since we've all been together, so a reunion was in order.
Abby, me, Allie
We all happened to live in the same suite our freshman year of college (Elon University) and have been inseparable ever since. Somehow we earned the nickname Triple Threat and people would even refer to us as one entity. I mean, even Elon knows what's up.
The Triple Threat will forever be a part of Elon's history
Needless to say I am beyond excited for this weekend which will likely include too many mimosas to count, sleepovers, drunk crying (Abby), drunk running (Allie) and drunk eating (#guilty). Plus I'll get to see many other college friends! Because apparently after you graduate Elon, you move to DC - I obviously missed this memo.
Selfie mirror flip fail... #egar is the new #rage
I'd also just like to mention that I will be travelling via Megabus. ($30 round trip - can you beat it??) But I have had some creepy experiences with them in the past, so please cross your fingers that I'll be the sketchiest person on the bus.
Hope everyone lets loose this weekend! Just remember Wale's words of wisdom - bad girls ain't no good, and the good girls ain't no fun.