Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Cupcakes or Peanut Butter Cups


Here I am, here I be, please oh please befriend me.

Best Friends photo bestfriends_zps10cb4f07.gif

So all of my closest friends are too busy for me married or in a serious relationship. I have finally come to terms with this fact after many years of denial.  So instead of sending them approximately 1,878,961 texts about whatever pops in my head during the day I have decided to take the leap and PUT IT ALL ON THE INTERNET for the world to judge. You're welcome, world. (Also, in case it's not painfully obvious, I have no idea what I'm doing...)

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No, please come back! I promise I'm not that bad!

So for my first topic, I would just like to let you know that I am addicted to candy.

"Hello, my name is Liz and I eat all the Easter candy"
"Hi Liz"

Seriously, it's a problem that requires immediate attention.

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Whether it's peeps, Reese's peanut butter eggs, chocolate rabbits, or Sweet Tarts, I want it all and I want it now!

I feel you, Mike Donnelly. I feel you.
(I should also note that I believe any Chris Farley movie should be classified as an instant classic)

Thank you for bearing with me. I promise to write better posts in the future, but I can't promise that they won't be about candy... *que sugar crash*

Catch ya on the flip!


  1. always pick the pb cups! always

  2. Immediately better than my first blog post. Probably better than my whole first year of blogging actually. Welcome, Liz!!

  3. what i dont get are people who are married or in relationships never make time to go out. i hate that shit. i'm married and have a kid and i still go out with friends. drives me crazy!

    thanks for linking up!
    Vodka and Soda
