Thursday, April 24, 2014

Things are getting serious...

It's thirsty Thursday my friends! Grab a beer and buckle up - the weekend is almost here! Hallelujah!

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NeNe, you read my mind.


So in an effort for anyone reading this to get to know me a little better, I decided to fill you in on my personal life.

I met someone.

We've known each other for almost a year now and things are heating up.

I mean we sleep together almost every night...if that doesn't mean it's serious, what does?!

Ok, his name is Dexter and he is a devilishly dapper little fellow with a quick temper and a penchant for licking his butt.

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"Hey girl, ya diggin' this bod?"

HA. Hope you got that I was talking about my cat or that could have been awkward - although there have been more than a few boys in my life that fit that description...ah but I digress.

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"Come at me, ladies"

I'm fully aware that being a single gal in your twenties with a pet cat earns you the title of "future crazy cat lady" and I'm strangely okay with that.

Now excuse me while I go cuddle with my man...err I mean cat.

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Kitty #selfie FTW


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